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Chapter I General rules

Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to ensuring cyber security, safeguarding sovereignty and national security in cyberspace, and public interests, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and promoting the sound development of economic and social informatization。

Article 2 This Law shall apply to the construction, operation, maintenance and use of networks within the territory of the People's Republic of China, as well as the supervision and administration of network security。

Article 3 The State attaches equal importance to cybersecurity and informatization development,Follow the policy of active utilization, scientific development, legal management and ensuring safety,We will promote network infrastructure development and connectivity,We will encourage innovation and application of network technologies,Support the training of cybersecurity talents,Establish and improve the network security system,Improve network security protection capabilities。

Article 4 The State formulates and constantly improves the cybersecurity strategy, defines the basic requirements and main objectives for ensuring cybersecurity, and puts forward cybersecurity policies, work tasks and measures in key areas。

Article 5 The State shall take measures to monitor, defend against and deal with cybersecurity risks and threats originating within and outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, protect critical information infrastructure from attack, intrusion, interference and destruction, punish illegal and criminal cyber activities according to law, and maintain security and order in cyberspace。

Article 6 The State advocates honest and trustworthy, healthy and civilized cyber behavior, promotes the dissemination of socialist core values, takes measures to raise the awareness and level of cyber security of the whole society, and forms a good environment for the whole society to participate in promoting cyber security。

Article 7 The State actively carries out international exchanges and cooperation in cyberspace governance, research and development of cyber technologies and formulation of standards, and combating cyber crimes, promotes the building of a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyberspace, and establishes a multilateral, democratic and transparent cyber governance system。

Article 8 The national cyberspace administration shall be responsible for overall planning and coordination of network security work and related supervision and administration。The competent telecommunications department under The State Council, the public security department and other relevant organs shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, relevant laws and administrative regulations, be responsible for the protection, supervision and administration of network security within the scope of their respective functions and duties。

The cybersecurity protection, supervision and administration responsibilities of relevant departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be determined in accordance with relevant state regulations。

Article 9 In carrying out business and service activities, network operators must abide by laws and administrative regulations, respect social ethics, observe business ethics, be honest and trustworthy, fulfill the obligations of network security protection, accept the supervision of the government and society, and assume social responsibilities。

Article 10 Construction and operation of networks or provision of services through networks,It shall comply with the mandatory requirements of laws, administrative regulations and national standards,Take technical measures and other necessary measures,Ensure network security and stable operation,Effectively respond to cyber security incidents,Guard against illegal and criminal activities on the Internet,Maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of network data。

Article 11 Network related industry organizations, in accordance with the articles of association, strengthen industry self-discipline, formulate network security codes of conduct, guide members to strengthen network security protection, improve the level of network security protection, and promote the healthy development of the industry。

Article 12 The State protects the rights of citizens, legal persons and other organizations to use the Internet according to law, promotes the popularization of Internet access, improves the level of Internet services, provides safe and convenient Internet services to the society, and ensures the orderly and free flow of Internet information according to law。

Any individual or organization using the Internet shall abide by the Constitution and laws,Observe public order,Respect social morality,It must not jeopardize network security,The Internet shall not be used to endanger national security, honor or interests,煽动颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度,Incitement to split the country and undermine national unity,Promoting terrorism and extremism,Propagating ethnic hatred and discrimination,Spreading violent, obscene and pornographic information,Fabricating and spreading false information to disrupt economic and social order,And infringe upon others' reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests。

Article 13 The State supports the research and development of Internet products and services conducive to the healthy growth of minors, punishes according to law the use of the Internet to engage in activities that endanger the physical and mental health of minors, and provides a safe and healthy Internet environment for minors。

Article 14 Any individual or organization shall have the right to report any act endangering network security to cyberspace, telecommunications, public security and other departments。The department receiving the report shall promptly handle it according to law;If it does not fall within the responsibilities of its own department, it shall be promptly transferred to the department that has the authority to handle it。